EC Blog.

A Grandson's Story: "Big PawPaw" Part 3

Stem Green

The following story is part three of a three part series that illustrates the life of “Big PawPaw”. The story is told to us through the memories of his grandson and his family members. To read part one and part two please see “Big PawPaw” Big PawPaw My grandfather’s name was Henry, and we all […]

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A Grandson's Story: "Big PawPaw" Part 2


The following story is part two of a three part series that illustrates the life of “Big PawPaw”. The story is told to us through the memories of his grandson and his family members. To read part one, please see “Big PawPaw” Big PawPaw My grandfather’s name was Henry, and we all called him “Big […]

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A Grandson's Story: "Big PawPaw"


The following story is part one of a three part series that illustrates the life of “Big PawPaw”. The story is told to us through the memories of his grandson and his family members. I met “Big PawPaw” a couple of times and each time I was in awe of his physical stature and his […]

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